Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Wet and Wild!

Sometimes, the habit of looking down at the ground, dodging rain drops, while walking along, is the only way to find the beauty in the day. I love living where the parking lots, driveways and sidewalks are anything but swept clean. So many leaves from trees, little bits of moss, lichen, all swept around by the wind and rain that come and go, making a simple walk from one building to the next, a lovely part of the day...if you're looking, that is.

When I was a little girl I was looking...and looking...and looking...for tarantulas. No kidding...I was looking for tarantulas! I never saw one, in fact had *never* seen one in real life. But I saw a little news bit on TV that talked about tarantulas, and for the longest time, I remember keeping my eye on the ivy that filled in the space next to the sidewalks where we lived, just to be sure that if a tarantula jumped out at me, I'd have to be ready to scramble away from it!

I think that's when I started looking down when I walked. Today I saw this in the parking lot at work, but when I got home, I also saw a potato that was in the shape of a cute little lopsided heart. Well, after yesterday's rubber band heart, I thought, "how cool! I'll blip that". Happy about my find, however, I showed Mr. Comfort my great find, I said, "Look!!" to which he replied, "A butt!!"


~like I said...*Boys*...well, he blipped the potato for those who asked...or will ask, you can see it here.. The other items in the pan are squash...not pig ears!

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