Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Lucy went back home to her own house today, and Abigail got home from hospital, yay!

Kerr has developed an obsession with household chores :-) He gets very excited when I mention getting the hoover out, and runs to the cupboard in the hall where it is kept. He is also partial to a bit of dusting and eagerly wipes every surface in sight - last night he even took his little duster to bed with him as I couldn't prise it out of his hand! When I was cleaning the floors today I remembered that we had a long handled dustpan and brush which would be perfect size for Kerr. He loves it! He spent a lot of time today wandering around cleaning with it. I plan to use this new found love of his to my advantage - I reckon a couple of weeks of training and I'll be able to put my feet up while he does the work :-)

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