Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Yes, Again, with the Bird table

I am giddy with excitement, finally Pinky and Bluey together!

When we started with the winter feeders we noticed some of the starlings had rings on, after a bit of google rummaging I found the Tay Ringing Group, I mailed them and found out they have a local project going on to monitor dispersal and movements of starlings in NE Scotland.

So whenever we spot a starling we whip out the binos and look for their legs, this project uses 4 rings: a silver+a colour on the right leg and two colours on the left.

We have positively identified these two so far, Pinky (pink and silver, right leg) and Bluey (blue and silver, right leg)

Pinky is a boy, ringed in Wellington Park on 19th September
Bluey is a girl, and she was ringed back in June.

We have others spotted, but have not managed the holy grail of seeing both legs!

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