
By blipblog

A very traditional roundup

Benek here. I have the honor of the blipssignment roundup this week. And I didn''t even participate!

What is tradition? Mirriam Webster defines it as an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom). What that means to me is that tradition is different for everyone. It can be anything. So even with that one big holiday coming up I expected variety, and you didn't disappoint. However, I'll be breaking tradition with my write up this week by not going crazy with a hundred links. Traditionally time is tight around this time of year and everyone is busy, and I'm no exception ;-) So this will be concise. Apologies to anyone not included.

Starting with the non-Christmas stuff we have the universal morning coffee tradition and the baked goods to go with it (I don't know what a Tunnocks Caramel Log is but it sounds delicious!). Office beverages are also included in wingpigs's tradition rant style, but at least he needn't be bothered with traditional business attire or deceased or nude decorations.

To avoid overeating during the holiday, toss some leftovers to a friendly small woodland creature. It'll help you keep fitting your clothing through the new year.

Many people travel at this time of year so we have some traditional transportation for the road and the sea. Be careful during your trip that you travel in straight lines. Circles can be a bit dizzying, and may lead to a crash.

So whether you're partying, praying, gathering, singing, listening, making cards or newsletters, have a safe holiday season and don't burn your house down. Remember, focus is optional but FUN is not!

You may celebrate Christmas, or Chanukah, maybe Kwanzaa. Perhaps even ancient rituals to a pagan sun god? Whatever your choice of tradition this season I bet you want something. What's at the top of your list? This next week's assignment is "All I want" Be honest, or funny. Release your innermost desires, or stick to the glorious world of material stuff. The choice is yours, but whatever you do remember to tag it "assignment26", and have a happy holiday!

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