All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Catching up on Zzzzzz's

Yet again Ethan was up bawling during the night and ended up in our bed for the remainder of the night. This is really not something I want to encourage but it's so much harder leaving him to cry when he's standing up screaming in his cot than when he was lying down and crying. And as soon as we try to lie him back down he is back up on his feet screaming again! I read an article today which says it's normal for bedtime struggles to begin at 1 year. As it's not just the night-time waking but also the going to bed which has all of a sudden become a problem, I guess we're not the only parents who face this!

So although I was sleepy mummy today, Ethan caught up with 2 daytime naps. The first one was in the car on the way to The Gyle where we met Trulife and Flori for lunch. It's Flori's first birthday today - happy birthday Flori! Ethan then fell asleep in his pushchair whilst we were going round the shops. He had a bit of a tantrum prior to that and after carrying him for a bit I put him in the pushchair without the straps. Next thing I knew, he had fallen asleep over the safety bar! He even carried on sleeping when I transferred him into the car for our journey home and I had to wake him up when we got back. Bless him!

Early night for me tonight though as I'm knackered and have a headache.

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