In Tru Life

By TruLife

Floriana's First Ever Birthday Party!

Today after much organisation we threw a lovely wee birthday party at home for Floriana and here is a wonderful plate of cupcakes especially made for us by the queen of the cupcake, Lizzie AKA Lizzie's Tea Party. They were so pretty I had to blip them. I did get some in action shots but none as good as I'd hoped as most of my subjects were moving about an awful lot and one hid behind his hands! (you know who you are! lol)

Flori seemed to enjoy herself with her wee buddies including her little friend Ethan and she got some lovely pressies too. Thank you everyone who came as it meant so much to me that I could have such a lovely group of friends and family there to help me celebrate my little cupcake's first birthday!

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