Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Pub? Pub.

- It's a pub, it's safe, it's secure.
- They know us.
- What makes it so secure?
- It's got big heavy doors and deadbolts.
- And there's a rifle above the bar.
- I would think that's deactivated.
- It's not. John's connected. Big Al says so.
- Big Al also says dogs can't look up.
- They can't.
- Can't they?
- Of course they can!
- Are you sure?
-Yes! The pub is the right place to go. Everything is gonna be fine.
Shaun of the Dead

Thankfully, we weren't taking refuge in the pub to escape zombies, just the cold (-10C in Leeds this morning and it's now a balmy -3C)

I was about to blip a nice, abandoned bench and rubbish bin as a last bit of grim before Christmas when A and skippygirl came in and said "Oh. Are you going with grim then, I thought you'd go with people."

I showed them this photo and they said that people were more interesting than park benches (I agree - although there are some people for whom it would be a close-run thing ;-)
They then offered advice about cropping - the main issues being:
- to include the food or not
- to include the Christmas tree or not

Anyway, here (from left to right) are K (who doesn't have 3 arms, it just proved impossible to crop out the stray arm of H1's that had wandered into shot without knocking the whole framing out of kilter), skippygirl and J.

I'm now happily stuffed with steak pie and mash and could just fancy a little snooze....

Better bigger

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