
By JulietLimaDelta

Third Day

On the third day of Christmas my 365 photo...

Three Board Games
Two Camera Stars
and a Happy Christmas from Jo x

My youngest brother is into board games..... in a big way, but he's into high brow German Board games that do not involve dice. He hates anything where there is no skill involved (Snakes & Ladders being his particular bête noire). Whenever he comes home he always brings some new games for us to play.

Monopoly is not one of his, in fact he hates it with a passion, but I won it in a draw at work, so I made him play.

Horton Hears a Who involves wearing an elephant mask & hopping / crawling / tip toeing etc round the house to find clovers that have been hidden, no, this doesn't belong to RJD, it belongs to my nephews, but we enjoyed it.

Ticket to Ride is one of my brother's, in fact I'd say it is my favourite board game, but it's so much easier to play on the computer so you can see all your tickets at once. The boys loved a game called 'Saboteur' where you are a dwarf digging a mine to win gold, one of you may be the Saboteur and try & wreck the game. Subtlety is not a strong characteristic of 6 or 4 year olds but RJD was most impressed they got the basics of the game so quickly.

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