May All Your Dreams Come True
When I was 6, I had a birthday party.
It was held in the Lodge, for what reason I have no idea, my father nor any uncles I knew of were ever Masons.
I was delighted this was a BIG party. My Mum and her various friends were all in attendance to keep between 15 and 20 little girls under control.
One of my friend however took over. Her mum ran a playgroup there, and ran around showing everyone where everything was. At that moment, I wished I had never invited her, despite the beautiful presents I had received.
The next highlight of my party, was my dad coming home from work to arrive in time to see my party, and all my friends and my cake.
My cake was made by my Nant. It had icing and smarties and chocolate buttons all over it. Last month when we were changing bulbs at Nant's house and questioning her Licky Sticky Mincepies, she brought out her Recipe book. Inside the recipe book was the centre pages of the paper which contained the self-same recipe that made the cake.
Now I have Beloved. My Beloved makes me things like this. Drambui Trifle....with Madagascar Custard.... If I didn't have him, I might be really skinny, but I wouldn't be as loved.
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