The Kingdom of Blue


Meet Toby the Main CCO

Thanks to all who joined my facebook page and the Kingdom of Blue Group since yesterday's blip.

It is about time that you get more information about my mission as the "Dream Ambassador of the Kingdom of Blue" and join me.

As Dream Ambassador I want to make sure that small children anywhere in the world going through difficulties will receive a soft toy or a security blanket that is hand made and not mass produced. They need this to cling to while the "grown-ups" do "grown-up" things (Like politicians and dictators and such). All things that sometimes make life more difficult and complicated for small children all over the world. We will give more info on the psychology of soft toys as transitional objects on my Face Book Group.

You must also understand the "Philosophy of Blue" that underlies the Kingdom of Blue. This is nothing but a new kind of old Philosophy in the making. It has the power to change things. This philosophy is based on the simple fact that 2 + 2 = 4 and looks as follows when mixed with the correct words:
2 good
+ 2 be
4 gotten

Why not make a new year's resolution that is guaranteed not to fail as 2 + 2 will always be 4.

You will get to know many secrets as a member of the Kingdom of Blue Facebook Group. Secrets such as:

* What a "Countalot" is.

* How the Kingdom of Blue CNN works
(CNN = Constant Nit Network. For those that cannot knit it means "Constant News Network" commonly known as "the Grapevine"

* You will be exposed to the miraculous madness hiding in the mind of my mentor only known to the world as "Dr T"

* You will get to know my arch enemy called Toby (pictured above)who is an important CCO (Chief Checker Out) and leader of the "looker-on's" as described on 23 December. He is a killer of all dreams and a friend of some Bankers who are also skydivers and used to big plunges and even crashes making life even more difficult for small children who will one day have to pay for their sky diving.
So join the Kingdom of Blue and 20-eleven will take you one step closer to heaven.

Wish you all a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant 2011 !!!

Little Blue

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