Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Did not need it

And I am glad that we didn't. Tomorrow daybreak we will arrive at Bombay, or Mumbai, Pilot Station. Right now we are pretty close to the Indian coast and this afternoon we will lower the ISPS and Piracy Alert Level both one level. It was a long trip, we started in Capetown and will end it tomorrow 6 weeks and 7700 nautical miles later. I took the Laser Gun and tested it one more time before it will be stored. The device on top of it is a heat sensing device, you can see outboard engines, hot exhausts etc very clearly, even in pitch dark. On the right is a conventional gun sight and the small device on the left is the actual laser emitter.
Maybe I can backblip some pictures from Mumbai itself, it is a very interesting city, especially if you like to take pictures. See you!

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