Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

The Fiery Spectre takes my boy......

Maybe it was just because I have been reading about the ghosts of Greyfriars Kirk, but when I saw this photo, I felt that a demon had visited us. (This is a shot of one of Jim's silent fireworks taking off).

And then the evening took a dive bomb when we realised that Dimairt was missing. He has never gone away before, so as we called his name, we could not quite believe that he didn't come bounding along the path.

Christine drove us around the surrounding countryside for ages - all in all we were up till 3 in the morning trying to find him. To say that I was distraught would not be an exaggeration. Liz phoned the police, & stayed in the house to see if he would appear.

I'd lost my boy. I had to go to bed for a few hours before we would start up the search again.

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