
By spitzimixi

spot the chainsaw 2

if you can't spot it tonight you need glasses.

twas rather difficult to get a shot as I had no desire to disturb the manic chainsawing action or get even remotely in the way. And anyway, action shots that aren't real action shots are just stupid shots. So I have a few (lots) of shots with just a log on as the chainsaw was removed just as my finger hit the shutter. I also have pictures of chainsawing-safety-trousered-bottom, which probably breaches (ho ho) some mad blip decency codex...this was what I was after, so, it don't matter really.

I can't remember what happened today as it was all too long ago. However, I assume that we all survived up to now and that I have a pile of work to do this evening. Yay!

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