Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Before the snow....

Not sure if this is continuing the film noir thing from yesterday or not - can you have film noir in colour?

I tried desaturating this, as I like black and white, but decided it works better in colour, so it's come out looking almost Hopper-esque (Edward, not Dennis ;-) - or it would be if there weren't modern cars lurking to one side. I'd toyed with cropping them out but then that did funny things to the composition, so they're still there. Not sure if that's the right decision or not.

The colours are straight out of the camera (phone) too. The lights are rarely on as I walk past in the morning but when they are, I love the colour in that bay window.

I'm particularly taken with the stream of light on the right hand side, which is from a streetlight and is the result of a slightly smeary lens on the iPhone (yes, once again I spotted this en route to work so had the phone, not the DSLR to hand)

It's now snowing. Heavily. Grrrr......

It's rather nice in large

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