Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Ack-ack! Ack. ACK!

Sorry - I watched Mars Attacks last week for the first time in ages, and couldn't resist this title :-)

I accidentally left the macro lens on the camera from yesterday and can't go grim-hunting as planned, so here's me tinkering around with macro and DoF again.

I'm a science dweeb and when I was still earning money as a professional science dweeb, one of the labs I worked in threw out some old bound copies of Nature. Because my dweeb tendencies run to books as well as a science, I didn't like the thought of them all getting destroyed, so I saved this bound edition that covers the year I was born.

This volume pre-dates Nature splitting into umpteen specialist bits and so this section on astro-physics (not my official area of dweebness, but one that I've developed a distinct liking for) nestles alongside papers about cells and cancer research (my area of dweebness by training).

Anyway, I'm not sure why this letter got into Nature - everyone knows that the internal constitution of Mars* is nougat, chocolate and caramel ;-)

It's more scientific in large

*other chocolate products are available.

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