All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fun and laughter

(This isn't the image I'd intended to upload today but I've had big problems uploading the one I wanted. So for the time being I've posted this one instead so I don't have a gap in my journal but I'm hoping Blip Central can resolve it for me. If not, my friend posted a similar photo on her journal today anyway if anyone wants a wee look).

I had a really nice day with Ethan today. It could have been terrible as it started off way too early when he woke at 5.20am and wouldn't go back to sleep so of course ended in with us. However, after lots of cuddles and some milk, he was asleep again by 7am so I got to catnap a bit further too. I woke before him so pottered around and did some housework until he woke just before 9am.

He was then such a wee star all morning. He played really happily with his toys while I got on with more housework and he was really smiley and fun. By noon he was clearly tired so as I had some things I needed to go out and about for and I knew he'd nap in the car, I got us both ready to go out. But ..... where were my car keys? And where was my mobile? After phoning my brother in law to get my hubbies mobile number (as the only place I have it stored is in my mobile), I called him ..... only to have him confess my car keys were in his pocket! (And as for the spare - well it went walkabouts a few weeks ago)! After peering thrhough my car window I realised my phone was in there so I was going to be without my phone for the whole day too. Grrrrr - to say I wasn't best pleased is an understatement especially as the pushchair is in the car so I couldn't even walk down to the shops with Ethan in that! I ended up putting Ethan in the Baby Bjorn and doing a back breaking walk with him to send him off to sleep. Luckily it worked and he carried on napping for another 40 minutes or so on the sofa when we got back.

It was therefore a late lunch for him and he had just finished when my friendMissusB arrived with her wee girl Lucinda. After a cuppa and a natter and some playtime for the babies, we took them out sledging. Ok so the snow has now turned a bit slushy and we had to pick them up and carry them a couple of times where the roads and pavement were clear, but in the main I think the babies enjoyed it!

After they went home, Ethan had great fun playing with the balls in his ball pit. He hasn't played with them for ages cos it's in the conservatory and it's really too cold to be in there for long at this time of year. But he happily played a game of pass the ball to mummy, back to Ethan, back to mummy for ages!

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