Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

marble madness.......

well not quite madness but it is rather bright. anyone remember the game marble madness? dosen't matter, never had it anyway.
so first day back after the christmas break and it wasn't as painful as i thought it would be but i know i can't stick it out much longer.
to cheer myself up i thought i would try and get a nice colourful blip but this is what i have ended up with...........and i love it. yeah i may be well overstating how good it is but art/photography is a personal thing. each to their own and all that.
i rattled of 165 shots and i may continue the marble theme for a few days as i got a few shots that i liked but this one just appealed to me.

marbles on loan from the McDawg collection.
yes i am that big of a child as i bought them when we were out shopping on hogmany. men eh. we never do grow up

LOTD: to tucson jim's cracking shot, really folks take a look

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