RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography


This is an image of a 20' wide, 70' long 13' high greenhouse that was purchased through funding from the foundation I manage. The nonprofit organization working this city owned land is called "Vegielution." It is run by a couple of folks that train volunteers to work the farm (there's quite a bit of land that is planted as well as chickens and other farm critters). They have around 100 volunteers in total, some who are compensated with fresh vegetables and eggs. Many of the volunteers are there to learn how to manage a garden and actually use the produce as food for their families. Vegielution collaborates with schools, other community gardens, health institutes and foundations to help provide better nutritional information and learning to a variety of children and adults in the greater San Jose area.

Yes, this land is located next and below one of the busiest freeway interchanges in Northern California - the intersection of highway 101 and 280/680. This interchange was famous back in the 70s for being an aerial crossover that was incomplete. Photos of the crossover showed two freeway routes crossing over each other 100' in the air with no connection. It was pretty cool. Funding finally came through to finish it in the early 80s.

Tomorrow is a work day. Come back and visit to see the work being done.

Enjoy and don't forget to eat your vegies...

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