Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

A Moving Experience

My friend, Stewart, was in the market for a TV and decided to buy one from Costco. He was going to order it online and pay $100 for shipping, but I said if he bought it from the store I would help him get it home. In return he has to help me when I buy mine. I'm seriously considering getting the same set myself. It has all the bells and whistles anyone could want and the picture is magnificent, but it's huge.

As you can see, it was a real challenge getting the box into (and out of) his Passat station wagon. What you can't see is the fun we had going down all the steps to his basement. Did I mention that the box weighed 96 pounds (43 kg)? My back hurts!

It should be easier when I get my TV because we'll be able to avoid the stairs by going around the outside of the house, though it is a long way.

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