Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

Linden Tree in desperate need of pruning

These four linden (lime) trees I salvaged from someone else's garden renovation. They make a carré around the Luytens Bench. Linden trees are traditionally pruned right down to the main branches, a task yet to undertake. In summer they make a pretty sight. Pigeons roost in them; they give shadow and our 19-year-old princess uses them to hang her hammock between them.

She won't be doing that this summer. In 2 sweek time she'll be off to Australia for an internship of 6 months. Sigh.

In front of the house there is a very traditional row of linden trees, also waiting to be pruned. Coming summer, when they look pretty, I'll blip them. Google Streetview has done a fine job of picturing them; I like wat I see.

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