My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Perfect Crown

Goodmorning blip land

Well Thomas is at school and Olivia is having breakfast, she had a lovely morning at pre school, lots of tears when i left and mine were held back for my walk home. She had fun though and thankyou for the good luck messages.

I was playing with fruit again till the early hours and had lots of splashes and drops, it was hard to pick out of the lot i took, so i picked a water crown on a grape.........I also took some with plums and Bananas i didnt get to bed till 2am. I must stop lol......I hope i picked ok, im finding water drops so much fun.

The weather is pretty dull today so its a messy play with olivia is think lots of glitter and glue.

Have a lovely day and thankyou for passing by my blip..

Vicky. xxx

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