
By Fisherking

...There's a song on the jukebox....

It's been a long day.

Woke early, couldn't get back to sleep.

Got up, got ready, put on my black suit and tie.

Called at McD's for breakfast.....I know, I know....but some days a sausage, cheese and egg bagel, hashbrowns and coffee is just what you need.

Met up with hebs at the hotel, the rest of the staff arrived and off we set for Geoff's funeral. I was so glad to have hebs with me, we talked and laughed on the journey and it kept my mind off what was to come. I hope it helped her too.

The Church was packed, the fact that three headteachers (one current and two past) turned up was testament to the man. I shed a tear, but I laughed too at the Head's tribute to Geoff and some of the things our pupil's had written about him. We had a real tear jerker (Abide with Me) but also some soul music. At the end I did my support bit and helped one of Geoff's colleague who was distraught (boy that suit of mine has been cried on so many times).

A short drive to the crematorium, a short service and then Geoff's wife did an unusual thing, she addressed us all and explained the choice of the final piece of music, Geoff's favourite and one of the last songs they danced to.....and then she asked for it to be played .....loud...... as Geoff would have wanted.Looking round there were more tears but also lots of foot tapping and one or two hesitant little dance steps.

Then we moved on to the wake, alcohol, tales of Geoff, food, more alcohol (not me , I was driving), more tales, laughter and sadness and then gradually the laughter took over and so people eventually drifted away and what I had feared would be very difficult came to an end.

What a way to go.

So now, hebs has been dropped off, another workmate taken home, the Boss has been told all about the day, we've eaten and there's just me and my memories and a few Jack Daniels, not the ordinary stuff, not even Gentleman Jack but my treasured Single Barrel. Only the best for me and Geoff. As my Uncle Joe used to say "That's too good for poor people"

So goodbye Geoff, I'll miss our banter and chats, but maybe, just maybe, one day we'll meet again and the banter will pick up again.

Das vidanya, me ducks!

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