just allan

By allan

Low Ebb

Late afternoon in Tyninghame Bay, East Lothian. I walked for a few hours round the salt marsh, across the bay and along the sea shore - perhaps 3 miles in all so not much walking more standing still!

I was going a bit stir-crazy today and felt badly in need of some perspective - the walk did the trick. As I entered the bay it was overcast and felt pretty bleak. Then the sun began to break through the clouds and I thought, "every direction looks good from here." That was exactly the inspiration I needed - "the only way is up," and all that. The light just got better as the sun set (although my photographs didn't) and I returned home with a spring in my step.

The tide was at really low ebb today so I was able to walk way out - I felt I could have walked across the Tyne to the north shore. Well, nearly.

Quite a lot more photos on Flickr.

Bing map with Tyninghame Bay top right and Traprain Law bottom left.

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