Club 107

By club107

This is where it began, literally

Extract from my memory, star date 2010 - 01 - 30, one of the most remarkable days in my life

Up early-ish on a bright morning. Madame at the time heavily pregnant, expecting any day, birthing pool inflated days before so we were sort of all ready.

The first contraction was around midday and from there it was a bit of a roller coaster. Madame reckoned at 12.30 that there might be something going on, I went to get eggs for lunch bumped into a friend and told him I thought we might be on, came home made lunch, watched Madame having some stronger contractions, took child #2 to ballet, came back, checked what we would need to do, called our back up support team for the girls for arranged sleepover, went to pick up child #2 from ballet (2.15pm), walked round to pick up some coffee remembering that the midwifes said having coffee was always a good idea, should things drag and then drove home.

Got home, started filling the birthing pool, took a couple of photos, as one does, took the girls to the back up team, came back midwife #1 arrived, began to fill the pool, more contractions, midwife #2 arrived, Madame into pool, I'd say 30 minutes later, number 1 son was born 4.45pm. Just in time for the full time results, home win for the boys, Midwifes helped Madame finish and then the wee man was with us and the midwifes were away within 90 minutes of the wee man arriving.

So we celebrated the first birthday, and this is the place where he was born.

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