Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Freya Evelyn.

Well this guys is my news I wanted to share. No pitter patter for me but for my sister. This is my new niece Freya who was born yesterday morning. As my blip links to facebook I wanted to ask her permission to share the news and a picture. Isn't she perfect. I had cuddles this afternoon and she is so lovely.
We had such a busy lovely day. We started this morning at toddlers where for once my two were pretty well behaved, might have been the bribing with swimming? The swimming itself was great, Jack and Erin were straight in and paddling about with their armbands loving every minute. They seemed so confident even though we haven't been for a while. This afternoon was ballet and I honestly love going. It is so sweet and funny, the children have me in stitches and I have to keep hiding my face to laugh. I really should video it for when I am feeling low as it cheers me up no end.
We didn't take Jack and Erin to my sisters as I thought they might be a bit too excitable and noisy so they had a visit and tea at Grandma and Grandads and we told them we just had to pop out. Was the right thing to do as my sister only had about 1/2 hour sleep last night so we had a nice calm visit and were able to give all our attention to Freya and her big sister Alannah. Over the moon for all of them.
Welcome to the world baby Freya may your road in life be mainly smooth with just enough bumps to keep it interesting.

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