Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

Oxford again....

for regular renal scan on Alfie. All clear and he went in with Grams this time to show her howit all works.

Coffee downstairs in coffee shop befoe we left, always feels a bit odd aswe spent so many hours in there in the 7 weeks we lived in the hospital when Alfie was tiny. You couldn't take hot drinks onto ward and only v limited visitors so we spent a lot of time downstairs.The JR is such an amazing place that 3 1/2 years onthere are still a huge number of the same staf, both nursing and otherwise.

Then on to Biscester for a bit of retail theapy on the cheap! New jeans andjumper for Daddy, hoody, shoes, hat and the cup from Cath Kidston in the pic for Alfie and top and skirt for me, all at less than half price! The cup won't be used as it is,he just loves 2 haandled 'bowls' for treats and I love Cath Kidston!!!

Notice the secret smile at having maybe, just maybe having got one over on Mummy.

Then monster late night working to fulfil new commissions for my latest fabulous customer (newly found cousin Claire!) so she can have them for her anual work do on Satuday :-).More orders trickling in nicely.....

the late night work...

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