there and back again

As previously mentioned I've been neglecting bicycling in favour of the camera recently and in particular haven't been venturing quite as far on feet as I would with the aid of wheels. The north Edinburgh cycle network has been particularly badly affected so I've been popping along bits of it recently to see how it's doing. In the case of the Trinity tunnel it's still as fascinatingly damp and gakky as ever. I've probably been through it thrice as many times in daylight as at night but for some reason I can only remember what it looks like in the dark in the rain.

As it was a little bit damp out (though still too warm (though I did see a gritter out which makes me hopeful for tomorrow)) most of the off-road paths were nice and deserted and perfect for tramping damply but happily along (which I find to be the optimal conditions in which to think). Unfortunately the ability to record this thinking is fairly limited until someone hurries up and diverts some of this research into thought-controlled prosthetic limbs into thought-controlled dictation machines so that one can mentally type as one walks without having to do anything embarrassing like attempt to speak into an .mp3 player or portable telephone in sound-recording mode.

Another reason for going out walking is to attempt to improve my mental map of the various bits of the city through which I might conceivably ever need to pass but which I generally only take one familar route through. Unfortunately I was distracted by bus stops and puddles and made the mistake I always did and overshot the road I intended to take, the road after that and another road after that which I've only been the other way down a couple of times on my bike a few years ago but which would have led me fairly straight back homewardsish. Luckily there was another road after that which was going in vaguely the right direction.

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