Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

Yet another project has begun!

There are always between 5 and 10 projects going on in Dutchoak's garden. Some may take 3 years to complete, some are abandoned because ideas have evolved and some new start because dutchoak starts romanticizing in all directions at the same time...

Just now the terrace on the southside of the house is in the process of being broken up. The yew hedge moves to the other side and for the boxwood I'll certainly find a useful spot.

In this spot there'll be a rose-and-boxwood garden. Mrs. Dutchoak is currently unaware of this new project. Based on its progression she may or may not look mildly upon it.

The bricks will end up in an extension of Orchard Road (uhh.. that is the brick path through the veggie patch that leads to the patch with the fruit trees ;-))

My great inspiration currently is this garden magazine cutting. I'm in the process of getting a permit for a garden house. Once I've got that, another project has been born...

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