Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Joy unbounded - the sun has returned!

After several days of wind and rain the sun came out again today. In celebration I blew up the tyres on the push-bike, packed the sandwiches and peddled off into the unknown.

First stop was the village of Collieston with its harbour and safe and picturesque beach. The village is now is now a popular place for commuters and for summer visitors but was once a thriving fishing village with a lively history of smuggling and contraband.

Collieston was where we made our first home after we were married. A more famous resident was Aircraftsman Shaw, better known as T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) who in 1931 holidayed at 15 The Cliff with his two companions, Jock and Jimmy. Perhaps El Lawrence had been attracted to the place by the huge sand dunes that lie to the South? No camels to be had though!

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