Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

the commons at dusk........

so todays travels took me over to westminster. had to go to st. thomas' hospital for what turned out to be an allergy test. i should probably have asked why this appointment had been made. i thought it was about my feet and in a round about way it was. you see if whatever has been wrong comes bak they would like to know (as would i) what is causing it. so this will determine if i am allergic to anything.
i haven't been so far in life and would hate to think that i am now. just for the inconvenience more than anything else. anyway it gave me a chance to get a tourist shot of the commons and a bit of the thames. i had the iso set quite low and was pleased with the silhouette of the building, although it wasn't too dark. i'll get a chance for another try at it as the test rquires another 2 visits over the next 4 days. also you can't wash your back for the duration of the tests or exercise as you have to sweat as little as possible. this is not as easy as it may seem. it's a good excuse to sit about but when i was on hols last week i ran a 5k every day and went training after and i was hoping to keep that momentum up. stupid bloody test.
shall post a pic of the test soon if only to try and get across how uncomfortable it is.

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