Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

3-Dog Day

Two months ago today, Chloe joined our family. Today she enjoyed the afternoon with Mitzi and Max. More about them in a few days.

This day was designated as "number crunching day" at our house. We'll visit the taxman this coming week to learn whether we pay the government more taxes on last year's income or whether Uncle Sam owes us. The crunching isn't fun and the visit with the taxman isn't exactly a party, even though our CPA is a nice guy.

So mid-way through the afternoon, Mr. Fun came upstairs to see if I were surviving. We both laughed about Chloe and her friends, Mitzi and Max, who were all enjoying a leisurely afternoon lazily staring out the upstairs corner window in our home office. So I took a break to spend a moment with them, tossed my camera to Mr. Fun and asked him to try to capture this trio that never stops moving.

Max wins the contest for looking out the window longer than the other two; Mitzi wins for having the cutest paws; and Chloe wins for having the most colorful pads on her paws.

Two months ago it was the day after Christmas, a Sunday, we brought Chloe home with us that evening. We've had more laughter and more love in this home since that day. Adopting Chloe was a good decision. We needed her as much as she needed us.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe & her friends), aka Carol

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