The Chaos Bros

By vik


Busy, busy in the field over the garden wall.

A fairly peaceful day today with time for me to actually sit in the garden enjoying the sunshine this afternoon. A very rare thing indeed but that's because it was only Bro 4 & I at home today.

Chaos Daddy took Bros 1,2 & 3 to St Andrews to watch the practice rounds for the Open. They saw their hero Tiger Woods but they now have a different opinion of him, he's no longer a hero in their eyes.

To quote Bro 1, 'Yes, we saw Tiger really close up, he was totally rude though, he completely ignored all the people, even us kids who were asking for his autograph, totally bad manners!!!!!! You wouldn't be impressed Mum!! So rude to his fans.'

That's my boy! Manners are very important.

Phil Mickelson is their new golfing hero, signing their programme and all their hats! Go Phil, they'll be cheering for you from now on, you made their day.

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