
By jenelope

more painting...

Making the most of my morning off again today... lots of painting to be done and i'm starting to worry a bit! So started this one yesterday and finished it today tis an 'uringium' (no idea of spelling) told it's also called sea holly. I really like them- they're notntoo flouncy just pointy and coool. like myself. Har jokels. Going to have to venture out of the flat at some poin today though as my cupboards are almost bare. I have no milk for tea. and have even run out of normal teabags- so basically all hell has broken loose. Think I'll have the sprig of brocolli in the fridge for lunch then head on out haha. mmm what a nice piece of brocolli.
Work again at half 5 tonight, can't wait to actually get paid for all this!

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