As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Chris' Graduation

So...because it was raining and disgusting outside all day, graduation was held indoors. Graduates are only given two tickets for people to watch the ceremony in the gym, so my parents took those (naturally). The rest of us were sent to the reject room (the auditorium) to watch the ceremony on a projector from a horrible angle. On top of that, you could barely hear anything. I sat with Ari, Chelsea, and Angela. Afterwards, I took a million pictures of the graduates outside. This is one of my favorites. After the pictures, a few of us went to James' house for pizza. What a night...

Bottom row: Nick and Matt
Middle Row: Peter, Chris, Chris, Ryan, and Meg being a goddess
Back Row: Ryan, Harrison, Dylan, Mike, and James

Word of the Day: Sabbatical - Any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills, etc

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