As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Beautiful


So, today was James' graduation party! James will be attending Boston College this fall and his yard was decorated with a mix of Wantagh and BC colors. He had two huge tents set up and a bunch of tables for his huge family. I went at 2:00 to help him and my brother set up the various equipment and instruments needed for their performance later. The party started at 5:00 and what a party it was. I had my camera (of course) so Peter wanted to take a ton of pictures with it (so did George and Jenn). So our little circle of me, Jenn, Ryan, Kyle, Cruz, Kimmy, Peter, Nicole, Arianna, James, Nicole, Sam, Lindsey, and George took extremely unflattering pictures of each other (about 500 to be precise). Jenn took pictures of people eating while Peter took pictures of "reactions". Some examples are George being picked as America's Next Top Model (above Jenn's head) or Nicole reacting to Chris Cruz having a heart attack (just above the center). As the night progressed and people left for other parties, the cool kids stayed and took even more pictures. You'll see Sam being "sexy but insecure" (right next to Nicole), Ryan being seductive (right in the middle), and Brian finding out that he's balding (to the right of Ryan). Then after the bench that a few people were sitting on broke, we played charades in the front yard. Both teams were really good, but I think Team White Chocolate beat Team Awesome. Then after two quick games of LCR, someone found stickers and we put them all over ourselves. We went back in the circle and took my favorite pictures of the night; the Magnum and "spanish face" pictures. You'll see Magnum on the left and "spanish face" on the right. And just because they were so amazing, K-po's and Nicole's Magnum shots are in the upper part of the collage. At this point, almost everyone left except for me, James, Arianna, my brother, Ryan, Kitty, Kyle, Lindsey, and K-po. At around 12:00, Ryan showed us this game called "Mao". Maybe I'll explain the rules on another day. We played until 2:00 and had a great time. I'm so glad that I got to hang out with all of these seniors more because I love all of them and I'm going to miss them so much next year :(

Kimmy's Sexy Cupcake Balloon Pudding Pants...MAGNUM!!!

You must see this in large.

Word of the Day: Torrefy - To subject to fire or intense heat

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