It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

My best wrestling mate.....

Look who it is! It's Dillon. I have blipped Dillon before. He is my bestest wrestling friend. We have SUCH a good time together.

This morning I was meant to be going for a quick run in the field but then Dillon arrived! We play so well together that mum stayed for agggggeeesss to let us play.

Then LOADS of doggie friends arrived, there was:

Lucy the Beagle
Annie the Westie
Otto the German Shepherd
Copper the Tibetian Terrier
Copper the Shnauzer
Tilly the Jack Russell

We all had a FANTASTIC time. Dillon likes everyone to jump on him. He loves it when you just throw yourself on him, he flops down and lies on his back and then he likes it when you put your head in his mouth! You can be really really rough with Dillon and you just bounce off because he is soooooo big! but he is the most gorgeous bit softie I have every known. He is a bit like a big bouncer, if there is any trouble brewing he senses it and will put himself in the way to calm things down! I LOVE Dillon.

Lucy and I get on famously because we are sooooo naughty! Lucy's mum has a sausage pouch just like my mum has a chicken pouch! It is supposed to make us want to go back to them but Lucy and I had a little plan.......

When everyone was busy watching Dillon we shot off over the top of the bank down to the marshy little harbour inlet. It is GREAT down there, it stinks and is REALLY muddy. We could hear our mum's sausage hollering and chicken hollering but hee hee, we were having WAY too much fun.

Then Dillon's little cousins came to get us! They were quite exciting, I LOVE children. So we ran back after them and we both rushed in and dived on Dillon with our muddy paws *giggle* Poor Dillon.

After about an hour it was time to go. I was really good and followed mum across the field. She threw my ball for me a few times and then........I suddenly remembered that there is a stinky moat that goes around the field. Whoooopppeeeeee, I grabbed my ball and went hurtling towards it. Mum knew my plan and was shouting NOOOOOOOO LILEEEEEEE NOOOOOOOO with all her might. A man tried to grab me by the water's edge but I skipped past him and WOOOOSHHHHH I threw myself in the water. Yipppppeeeeeee! and instead of coming out straight away like I normally do, I swam around and around and around! It was FAB.

Mum put me on the lead then............*sigh*

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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