
By scharwenka

Let it all Out!

Home, but it is not our car in our drive.

This picture should provide "closure" to the image of Friday 11 November. There, we were stuffing our friends' small car full of the luggage of the four of us. Here, we have just got back, and the boot is being opened cautiously to prevent the luggage from tumbling out when we open the back. However, we have travelled 1296 km from the South of France, apparently without losing anything en route, and even without losing our tempers with each other. Remarkable!

I cannot resist adding this image taken exactly one week ago at Valras-Plage. It shows one of our friends going for a paddle in the November Mediterranean!

We are tired, a bit battered emotionally and physically, but in one piece and pleased to be home. It wasn't exactly a relaxing holiday, but undoubtedly an interesting one.

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