
By doli

Nicky and Santa

The Phoenix Choir Christmas dinner and Rob (one of our devoted 'groupies') posed as Santa for the occasion. We all knew he wasn't the real Santa, but he was very entertaining and did all the right things and Nicky took the opportunity to sit on 'Santa's' lap (quite possibly for the first time in decades).

Plenty of this kind of pic at this time of year, but for me it's a happy shot of two lovely people of whom we're all very fond.

Nicky also made a lovely speech in farewell of Walter, our retiring MD. That sort of thing is really my job and I do my best, but I became lost for words and spontaneously called on her. She has a natural talent for speaking from the heart and expressing what we'd all like to say. With no preparation at all, she brought a tear to every eye. What a girl (and not a bad alto, too)!

Then we had champagne.

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