My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

My Happy Lad


Well the kiddies are really starting to get back to their old selfs again, i thought as it was pretty cold outside i would let them play on the Wii, they decided on Wii sports and chose Bowling, Olivia couldnt get her buttons right as you have to press the top and bottom together and release when you throw the ball, poor girl just couldnt master it, we will get there im sure. As you can see here Thomas had a fab time he mastered it quiet fast and this little cheerful happy face is that he got a STRIKE lol he got quiet a few and wants to play again tomorrow, his face is starting to look better but i love this picture of him, its so nice to see him have fun and smile. Even when i went to see the midwife today he wants to be by my side all the time, she said you like looking after your mummy dont you he said yes and that he loves the baby. Bless him. Love my munchkins.

Well i said i saw the midwife it was for my 25 week check, all ok bump is measuring 25cms so thats good, only thing its twice now ive been tested and found gloucose so have to have a glucose test but im sure ill be fine.

Hope all is well.

Vicky. xxx

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