Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Anyone for a Swim?

It was another great day for us in Portland -- except for the weather. It wasn't too bad earlier in the day while we explored the neighborhood -- guided by an excellent book Portland City Walks -- but it got nasty later on. We had rain, hail, gusty winds, and the temperature dropped -- it was 30F/16C colder than the day we arrived.

We both found lots of good photo subjects -- so many that it was hard to choose our blips.

My photo shows a small portion of the Jantzen Apparel administration building, designed by Richard Sundeleaf in 1928. If you 've ever had a Jantzen swimsuit the logo might look familiar.

This was Jantzen's world headquarters from 1929 to 2002. Jantzen swimsuits (some of which are sold under the Nike label) are still designed here.

We had another small blipmeet this afternoon. You can read about it in Cynthia's blip.

P.S. This photo is for ceridwen and welshmaid50. Special sale price was $1395!

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