Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


Well, what a whirlwind year it has been! I am still quite amazed that I have managed to take a photo every day for the past year. It's I never thought at the beginning of this project that I would even manage this far; a pessimistic view to start but I honestly didn't. At the turn of 2011, I had set out to complete a 52 week project and gave up after the third week so to increase the frequency from weekly to daily seemed like a pretty mean feat! Alas, here I am at the end of a wonderful adventure that I have been on with my camera. Day 365. The end.

Looking back through my photos, I see points where I am proud of the photographs I took, such as September which brought me this wonderful photograph but there have also been hard times during this project where I have wanted to give in and the project has felt, in some ways, like a ticking time bomb which will make me explode before my 365th photograph. At times, my photos have been rushed and I have been unhappy with the end product but after 365 photographs, I can say that I am happy with everything I have done. Obviously, I wish I could go back and change some days but it is life and you have to learn from your mistakes in order to become a better person.

The past year has followed me pretty much through my 'official' last year at school too and I get my results in about two and a half weeks. In academic terms, I have had a varied year but I am hoping that all of my hard work (and the tears and stressful times) has paid off and that I will open the envelope and be a happy person. I am continuing on to A-Level at the same school which I am both looking forward to and also wishing I could stay like this because it is as if suddenly moving to A-Level brings a whole new wave of responsibility and expectations.

I'm not sure what is going to happen next in regards to my photography. I am possibly going to continue a similar but less consuming project centered around Inca but I will have to think about it. However, it is not really farewell as I will be back in the future to share more of my photos and pester you all!

Anyhow...I believe that I need to thank a few people for helping me on this journey of sorts! First and foremost, I doubt I would have half of the photos I do have if it wasn't for my mum who drives me around to places for photos and happily sits and waits while I faff about trying to recreate what is in my head. She was even at my service tonight blowing bubbles around the garden and keeping Inca sitting still at the same time! Inca has also been a model, though sometimes rather unwillingly, and she is just the best dog I could ever ask for. I found it rather fitting that she be the subject of my last photograph as most of the journeys I have been on over the past (almost) 3 years have been with her (ah, soppy moment there).

And finally, a massive thank you to everybody who has looked at my photos and commented as I appreciate all of the comments and feedback I receive on my photos, despite the fact I sometimes don't respond to them.

Enjoy Inca and the bubbly-ness of today. It's over!

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