Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

Summer evening

I told you I wasn't gone for good!

I've spent the day with grandma, aunty Zoe, uncle Andy and my cousins (William, Hannah and Max). We went to the park to fish and play cricket and then after a few lovely hours in the park, we headed home and played on the lawn with all of the toys. Hannah even took some of her first steps - I felt quite privileged to see them!

Once mum finished work, she came to drop Inca off so she could spend some time with everybody. We began a game of cricket but Inca ended up getting the ball every time and was getting quite hot from running around in the sun so went into the yard to cool down for a while. Afterwards, she came to lie on the grass and the light behind her was gorgeous; I couldn't resist to not reach for my camera! She lay there (with Lewis watching her) while I helped grandma bathe Hannah and Max before we left for home. She is well and truly spent!

Other photos:
Inca and her ball
Butterfly in the meadow

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