
By IrvingFlashman

Home time quiet time

Home time...everyone was working today so it was just me, all day, rattling around this big house with nothing to do. I spent a long time watching tv and very little time doing uni work. Let's call it Opposite Day.
My lovely lady Stephanie popped in after work and we had a lovely catch-up on life over the past few weeks. It was like old times but all too soon she had to leave. It felt like we were a little bit grown up, talking about her job and stuff. But all I really had to contribute was 'I'm really tired!!!'
A very quiet evening was had, watching television with the 'rents. The brother is out, saying goodbye to his friends. I wish I could have gone out with him but he definitely would not want me there.
I've been trying to make a start on thinking about Christmas but I just keep remembering he won't be here. This will definitely be the first Christmas when I feel like a real grown up and the magic won't be there anymore.
Anyway, I'm curling up with the book of the week, Lolita and going to sleep ready to shop shop shop with Mama tomorrow. A much needed trip.

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