Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Nessun Dorma

Had a grand day out in Utrecht with the divine Ms. R.

We decided it would be a day of relaxation and we weren't going to rush about. I took this literally and was so laid back I managed to miss the train. Although I was there in time to stand on the platform, waving cheerfully at Ms. R as the train pulled out with her in it.

We caught up with each other at Den Bosch station, and made our way to Utrecht. The idea was to walk to the Railway museum. This should normally take 20 minutes, but we managed to make it into 50, photographing everything that did, and didn't move.
We got to the museum eventually and had more than a bit of a giggle. We discussed, amongst other things, the sex life of Pavarotti, how friendlier people are in Brabant (oh yes), and photography was mentioned once or twice.

We had a good dinner, and managed not to knock the chairs over ;)

In the train going back we got into an unsolicited discussion with a man who informed us that wine was full of vitamins, he wasn't a faggot, and he was so intelligent that nobody understood him. He was half right about the latter, we didn't understand him either.

All in all, a great day out, and worthy of a repeat. So, we're meeting tomorrow again. God help the citizens of Breda....

Oh, and here's a night shot.

On edit: here are some more photos from the day.

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