Life In Wales

By KarenC

High Five

I took Mum to visit Scarlett this afternoon. It wasn't planned as it's an hour's drive from my parents-in-law (where we're staying) to my mum's, but the snow had started to thaw and the roads were ok. So I phoned her to see if she'd like me to pick her up and take her, and of course she said yes. She was thrilled to be going to visit her first great-grandchild.

Day three and Scarlett's doing really well - the doctor visited yesterday and did a full check and she seems really healthy. They're increasing her milk intake and decreasing the glucose, and they've reduced the oxygen levels even more. They hope that within a couple of days she won't have any at all which is great.

Today, she was allowed to have a cuddle with her Nannie - I was so happy as we leave tomorrow and I won't see her for a couple of weeks. So Rachel was in charge of the camera, and I love this one of her in my arms. When Rachel went to take the photo, Scarlett seemed to wave at her - or maybe it was 'High Five Mummy'.

After visiting was over, I had another two hour round trip to take mum home, but it was great to have been able to take her.

We're leaving early tomorrow morning and driving to Canterbury where we're staying overnight as an early birthday treat for me, but there's a lot of snow forecast for tomorrow in the South East of the UK, so I hope it doesn't cause any problems.

I apologise for not keeping up with all your journals at the moment, but I only have a limited internet connection, and to be honest I don't know where the time's going! Hopefully there's wifi at the hotel tomorrow, but if not I'll catch up when we're back home.

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