
By Appreciate

Praying that we could stay

Last night we had a "hat bbq". Susan had brought many hats on her trip - so we all got to wear one.

During the bbq the rest of the campers told us how fed up they were with Vermont and they all wanted to go home!!!!

Reluctantly we agreed and they all cheered up and we agreed to have one last day - today.

Susan and I went to our beloved Stowe and I found the yarn store where I bought three very expensive skeins - but they will remind me of a great holiday when I knit them up! Susan bought a kit to knit a shawl - I was well chuffed!!

She bought a dress in the coffee store (where else) and she also bought me a surprise that I'm not allowed to open til Christmas - it's the one with the covered bridges!

We had a final bbq and got to know our Canadian neighbours - lovely people. A young family with 2 gorgeous children.

Farewell Vermont - I will be back.

When I return I am going to see Burlington and take a ride on the Lake Champlain river boat.

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