
By Tryfan46

In a packed greenhouse today....

After a morning at the gym, and we have to confess a coffee afterwards, it was an afternoon for me mainly in the garden working on the greenhouse crops. (While Susan was working hard cleaning at her Mum's house)

This is the product of my labours, tomatoes (Alicante and Golden Sunrise) planted out and staked up, a grow bag sown with salad leaves, cucumbers, courgettes and butternut sown, smaller tomato plants potted on and some lettuces planted in another growbag.

A short trip to the allotment to plant some parsnip seedlings. Conventional wisdom has it that you shouldn't move roots. But we were given some seedlings and it seemed a waste not to use them. Apparently you have to talk lovingly to parsnips!

Then to the Kent Society of Rugby Football Referees Annual Dinner in the evening.

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