Hexham Abbey

I spent a few hours in Hexham today. I went for a purpose that was unfulfilled but I had a very enjoyable morning none-the-less. I browsed some charity shops and some of the back streets which I don't always have time for. I took time over a lovely teacake and coffee. I usually like to frequent the 'non chain' cafés but Costa is my very favourite coffee so I made this an exception. It was a bright sunny morning so all the more enjoyable to mooch about. 
I treated myself to a new bag, see extra, as the one I had been using for some years broke on the way out this morning. I love the shop I brought it from and spent a while in there browsing. The shop was filled with with incense and soothing music.
I visited the abbey, which was also very calming,  where the rock choir, presumably locals was gathering for a rehearsal. I only know they were called that as they had it written on their T-shirts!
I felt very relaxed on my drive home and feel the escape to something different for a few hours did me good.

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