Relaxing day

My back has been a little off since last Wednesday and it was especially twitchy this morning. It’s ok if I don’t move around too much but painkillers don’t seem to do much so I’m not taking any. If it’s no better when the surgery opens on Tuesday I’ll give the doctors a call.

I picked up a nice piece of pork to cook for dinner as Miss PHL is bringing the car back and staying to eat with us and is bringing her boyfriend.

Mr PHL took Phin for a walk whilst I prepped the food and got the table set. I threw together a gluten free chocolate cake for pudding. It’s pretty tasty but feeds 10 so I’ll just have to eat it through the week. Such a hardship.

Dinner was good (she said modestly) and we enjoyed getting to know Miss PHL’s boyfriend a little more. His puppy Duke is now 11 months old and is very playful. He and Phin played well and he did get put in his place a couple of times but bounced back. They drank several bowls of water between them as they ran about for hours.

Mr PHL took the kids home and within 2 minutes of the door closing Phin was snoring on the floor!

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