Squirrel Blip Friday ...

... baby chips!

I've been waiting for this day to arrive since knowing that one of the female chipmunks had babies!  I probably mentioned it a little while ago that she showed evidence of having young ones.  And she's been absent from the yard a lot of late ... which is another sign that she is tending to youngsters.

Well ... today she finally brought them around.  And there are two ... even though I only got decent shots of one of them.  It's way too early to tell their genders.   I've added another shot in Extras of this same one peeking over the decorative wall ... sorry for the shade.  

We have Cheddar to thank for alerting us to them being out back. He was out in the sunroom (the cats aren't allowed outside) and he was going back and forth between the doors and windows ... very excitedly!  Richard looked out (I was upstairs at the time enjoying my morning coffee) and saw two tiny chipmunks plus mom chippy!  He then yelled upstairs to me to let me know!  Of course, I dropped everything (not literally thankfully!) and came down to get some pictures.  

So ... it's an early blip for me as I couldn't wait to show you all!  Please view full screen.

Today is a hot one ... it's currently 94° F at 3:30 pm!  I did spend a little time reading the paper on the deck before a very quick swim in the pool.  It was warmer than yesterday but still cold.  The only heat source is the sun and solar cover.  Unfortunately, the next couple of days are supposed to be much colder so I don't see the temperature of the pool coming up any time soon.  

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